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Make better decisions with social media analysis that uses AI and humans

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Your success depends on accurate social media analytics

DataEQ social media tracking technology blends AI with human intelligence to gather and analyse conversation with an accuracy level of 95%. Our competitors' AI-only approach achieves accuracy of around 50%. If you are analysing social media sentiment without DataEQ’s added layer of human intelligence you’re probably receiving inaccurate data.

People are talking about you and we know what they’re saying

Track real-time social media conversations about you. Discover social media trends, track influencers and gauge public sentiment about your brand, product, business or government. Uncover what issues and themes are driving online conversation about you with DataEQ’s human verified topics analysis.

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We’ve provided accurate data to clients across the globe

We have worked with a range of clients across industries, delivering tailored and accurate insights to help them make better decisions.

Trust the company who called Brexit and Trump

In 2016, we listened to what social media was saying and this enabled us to accurately predict the Brexit vote and Donald Trump’s victory and understand why the public voted the way they did.

Accurate data means better social media monitoring

We deliver tailored insights to help businesses make better decisions in a variety of areas.
Social media engagement
Social media strategy
Brand engagement
Consumer engagement
Customer experience (CX)
Competitor benchmarking
Reputation management

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